Saturday, July 26, 2008

so where do you work?

want to know how to make yourself look like an asshole?

get on morning taxi to work, like usual, with coffee and book to read. wait for taxi to fill up and have someone sit next to you. wait for person to ask you random questions about how you live in a village, etc., etc. in attempt to try and make conversation with random person, ask where in town they work. then have the person tell you that they work at THE SAME PLACE AS YOU. now you are an asshole.

that's right folks. i did this just the other day on my way to work. the woman, whose name i still do not know, was someone new and i don't think she is permanent staff, but she works at world vision all the same. she just looked at me and asked, "didn't you see me at work yesterday?" then she proceeded to name people who i work with, in case i thought she was making it up. i didn't know what to say. i couldn't bring myself to ask her anymore questions, in case i was already supposed to know the answer (hence the reason i still don't know her name!) anyways, that was a great start to the day.

in further life news, today is saturday and i am at the office. tomorrow i will also be at the office. this is a lot of overtime, seeing as how i get paid NOTHING. such is life. things are quite hectic here as we are behind in putting data into the computer. there are 5 or 6 of us who are working around the clock. the other night, jamie (sa15 pcv) and i stayed at the office, taking turns working on the computer and sleeping on a mattress on the floor. i don't know if i will be doing that again. i spent the next day exhausted and cranky, and i ended up leaving early. part of me feels like saying screw it to the whole thing but i feel really badly for the women who are working their butts off to get it done, so i will stay and help. it should all be over by wednesday...

in addition to the wonderful data entry, world vision recently received a gift from BIC of pens, pencils, crayons, highlighters, etc. lots and lots and lots of all of these products. i was put in charge of going through all of this stock and organizing it. nothing like hours of manual labor. boy do i love lifting heavy boxes over and over and over again. once i sorted and wrote out all of goods, i then have to divide it into 4 and resort it all. did i mention that i love my life??

... since i returned from the wonderful peace corps training, i have had a series of mishaps occur in my life. i threw my back out like an old woman and was unable to leave my bed for 4 days. those were 4 thrilling days, spent alone with my kitten and my dvds and some pain meds. i dropped my lovely cell phone in a bucket of water (surprised it hasn't happened before now) and it stopped functioning properly. it works again, but i can't let the battery die because if i do, it is almost impossible to recharge it. it also doesn't like to connect anymore with the charging cord, so it takes a bit of blowing and jiggling to get it to work. and yesterday, to top it all off, my water kettle stopped working. no more coffee in the morning or hot bucket baths for me. the piece of shit was only a month or two old, and get this, i think it stopped working because it got wet. doesn't that seem odd.

next weekend i am planning an escape. so are about 12 other peace corps volunteers. we are going to durban for an i need a break from work/i don't have a site/i am leaving in 4 weeks type of get away. i have not yet been to durban ever, so i am quite excited... mostly to see the ocean again. and lets be honest, to party the nights away.