Saturday, March 8, 2008

No contact with the outside world...

I am sure many of you have been wondering what I have been doing the last month and a half. Basically, I have been going through training. That, and I have been living with a family. It has been a pretty surreal experience, especially since my family is very religious and very set in following certain gender roles. I live with just a mom and dad, both in their mid 60s. Their house is like a small house in the US, only without running water. This means there is no bathroom and no kitchen sink. There is also no fridge. It is pretty crazy. I am learning the Zulu language (and yes, it has clicks!) because I will be moving to the province of KwaZulu Natal on April 3. It is about 8 hours south of where I am living now. I am very excited to find out where I will be living and what I will be doing. Most of us will be working with local NGOs, either on NGO development or HIV/AIDS awareness. None of us really know yet. There is much more to write about but I unfortunately don't have time. I also have VERY limited internet access, at least until April 3, maybe even longer. So send me letters and I will write you back with a very detailed descripition of what I have been doing. Trust me, some of it has been very funny. Ok- salakahle.